Bissolo Gabriele Group S.r.l is a company established in 1995. It is leading and carrying out the technical coordination, management, financial and administrative matters for one trading company and other three production companies, located in Italy, Czech Republic and Belarus. Bissolo Gabriele Trade S.r.l was founded in 2010: It's activity is the trading of a great variety of agricultural products, coming from the other three companies of the Bissolo Group, i.e. Bissolo Gianfranco Farm (Founded in 1983, with 30 hectares of peaches nectarines and 170 hectares of radicchio and salads), Bissolo Gabriele Czech Rep. SRO (Founded in 1999, with 300 hectares of apples and cherries) and Bissolo Gabriele Farm - Belarus (Founded in 2009, with 2.750 hectares of which 300 ones of vegetables in general, 70 hectares of apples and the rest of cereal and fodder for livestock).

Bissolo Company

Our branches in Italy, Czech Republic and Belarus are developed on a surface of approximately 20,000 square meters with a cold storage capacity of around 15,000 tons. We have also an office in the Agroindustrial Center of Verona. Our company’s employees are approximately 100 members. The export department's staff can answer and satisfy every request in English, Russian, Czech, and Croatian languages. All our productions are GLOBAL GAP certified. A group of agronomy experts deals with the quality control of the products.